Sundrop Dayz 2022 would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the entire Shawano community, 2022 sponsors, volunteers, organizations and partners that contributed to the success of our 5th annual Sundrop Dayz. Your attendance and generosity had a major impact on local non-profits in Shawano county and your support encourages our continued commitment to reaching our goals in the years ahead!
To date, Sundrop Dayz has donated over $85,000 to nonprofits right here in Shawano County. In exchange for their volunteerism at Sundrop Dayz 2022, the following organizations have received a $4,250 check, our biggest donation yet!:
-Navarino Nature Center
-Shawano Youth Hockey
-Shawano Ski Sharks
-VFW Post 2723
Each board member was also given $250 in exchange for their volunteer hours to donate to a nonprofit of their choice. The following nonprofits received a $250 check in 2022: Georgia's House, Shawano Optimist Club, Friends of the Mountain Bay Trail, Shawano Library, Shawano Historical Society, American Legion Post 117, SAM25, Happily Ever After Animal Sanctuary, the Forget Me Not Fund, and Big Brothers Big Sisters.
On behalf of Sundrop Dayz, THANK YOU for helping us make a positive difference.
The Non-Profits