2025 Food Vendorz
To apply, please take the time to fill out the information below. Please take these things into consideration BEFORE applying:
1. NO beverages to be sold from stands (this includes; smoothies, milkshakes, slushies, Lemonade etc.)
2. Additional items may not be added to menu prior to event without approval from a Sundrop Dayz board member
3. Non-profit groups selling food will have a fee of 10% of gross sales
4. For-profit groups will have a fee of 20% of gross sales
5. Stands are to be open and ready for business by Friday at 4pm and Saturday at 10am
6. Stands should remain open until at least 9pm
7. Fees are to be paid to Sundrop Dayz P.O. Box 335, Shawano, WI 54166 - NO LATER than 14 days after the event (there will be a 10% penalty for any late payment)
8. Certificate of insurance must be provided with SSDD Productions Inc. listed as certificate holder.
9. Food vendors will need temporary restaurant licenses to sell. If you do not have a license or are unsure if y0u need a license please call 608-224-4923 or email datcpdfslicensing@wisconsin.gov for assistance. Non-profits may sell food for up to 3 days within a calendar year without a license.
10. Electricity, garbage can, and a fresh water hose will be provided.
11. Vendors must provide a container for water for a hand washing station and provide an additional container for gray water. (ex. Large Coleman cooler with spigot containing fresh water on a table, with large bucket to collect gray water.)
12. If you are cooking with oil you are REQUIRED to submit a booth layout diagram to sundropdayz@gmail.com by May 15, 2023. Cooking area shall be roped off or otherwise segregated from the public and provide protection from splash. Kettle containing oil must be level. A metal stem thermometer must be used to verify oil temperatures.
13. Duplicate food items will be limited - only approved menu items will be allowed and must be approved prior to the event. NO EXCEPTIONS!
14. The Sundrop Dayz committee reserves the right to reject any application. First come first serve.
15. By submitting this application you agree to all terms and conditions listed above.
16. You must provide your own ice.
17. You may NOT reserve spots. Spots will be assigned on a first come first serve basis and depend on electrical requirements.